Littermates, six months old, Rally Novice titled at 6 months of age!
About us
We live in beautiful Walla Walla on three acres where we have built a beautiful home, kennel, and exercise yards for our dogs. Ron is a retired masonry contractor who owned Modern Masonry and Repairs and I am a retired Fall Chinook Biologist from Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. We both enjoy fishing and working the dogs, and I am proud to say that our Labradors are my passion. Ron had Akita's before we met and I was raised with Labradors. We purchased our first AKC registered Labrador in 1996 and began competing and showing shortly after that. We are breeders of merit and have registered our kennel name. We are owner/handlers and take pride in entering our stock in Bred-by-Exhibitor classes. We train and compete with our dogs in performance events and also hunt with them. Debbie is a multi-pointed Junior Hunt Test judge with 5 points, and a Coursing Ability Test Judge, and Ron is also a Coursing Ability Test Judge. We pursue health excellence and functionality in our dogs and we demand that our dogs fit the standard. Most of all we love and have fun with our dogs!
Affiliations -Past/Present
The Labrador Club, AKC parent club for Labrador Retrievers. Past assignments have included judging the Working Certificate at a LRC National show in St Louis, MO.

The Labrador Club located in the United Kingdom-
Member since 2010
Member since 2010

The Walla Walla Kennel Club- past member- Offices held: President (2-terms), Show Committee Chairman (5 years), Board member, as well as served on a variety of committees over the years.
Richland Kennel Club- Member since 2019

The Sand & Sage Hunting Retriever Club- past member
Offices held: President, Secretary, Hunt Test Chairman, Hunt Test Secretary, as well as served on a variety of committees over the years. Assignments have included judging several Junior Hunt Tests.
Offices held: President, Secretary, Hunt Test Chairman, Hunt Test Secretary, as well as served on a variety of committees over the years. Assignments have included judging several Junior Hunt Tests.
PSLRA -past member